Moscow to Paris Trains


3017 km

1 train
on the route

1-2 times a week

Travel time
1.5 days

Trip covers
5 countries

Price from
390 USD

The Moscow to Paris route takes about a day and a half. Traveling through a number of European capitals, it is one of the most popular international routes on the Russian railways – though it does require a Belarus transit visa for passage through that country.

The train runs either once or twice a week, depending on the season, with return Paris to Moscow trains operating at the same time. Some travelers taking the Trans-Siberian across Russia will add this route for a total journey of almost 12000 km over the whole of Russia!

Moscow to Paris Trains

Get ready to be whisked along on a smooth and magical ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Purchase your ticket safely and securely, then relax and let your train adventure begin!

Culture for Kids

A portion of your order goes to helping underprivileged Russian children.

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